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B. Chứng chỉ ngắn hạn
C. Công tác
D. Đề tài Nghiên cứu khoa học
1. Lắp đặt và vận hành tối ưu hệ thống pin lưu trữ năng lượng trên lưới điện phân phối để giảm chi phí điện năng. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2023-01/2024). Thành viên chính
2. Vận hành tối ưu hệ thống điện truyền tải với sự thâm nhập cao của nguồn năng lượng tái tạo. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2022-04/2023). Chủ nhiệm
3. Tối ưu cấu trúc vận hành lưới điện phân phối. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2020-03/2021). Chủ nhiệm
4. Hệ thống thông minh tính điểm tự động cho bia bắn. Đề tài cấp trường, (01/2018-12/2018). Tham gia
5. Tái cấu trúc lưới điện phân phối có xét đến nguồn điện phân tán. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2021-03/2022). Tham gia
E. Công trình tiêu biểu
1. Enhancing Load frequency control in power systems using Puma Optimizer – Proportional Integral Derivative Method. Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, ISSN 1735-2827, Vol. 21/01, pp. 15. (2025-03-01)
2. A New Effective Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Solving AC Transmission Expansion Planning Problem. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118, Vol. 2024, pp. 17. (2024-10-31)
3. Quản lý nghẽn mạch sử dụng giải thuật tối ưu hóa quá trình tìm kiếm thức ăn của lươn điện. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội, ISSN 2615-9619, tập 60/07, trang 98-103. (2024-07-25)
4. Transmission expansion planning using zebra optimization algorithm. Green Energy and Technology/The International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, ISBN 978-981-97-1868-9, Vol. 2024, pp. 11. (2024-07-13)
5. A four-stage strategy for solving AC transmission expansion planning problem in large power system based on differential evolution algorithm and teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm. Electrical Engineering, ISSN 09487921,14320487, Vol. 106/2, pp. 21. (2024-07-02)
6. Congestion Management using the Circulatory System Based Optimization Algorithm. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. Vol 14/03, pp. 6. (2024-06-01)
7. Temperature Dependent Optimal Power Flow Using Combined Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution Method. GMSARN International Journal, ISSN 1905-9094, Vol. Vol 18/01, pp. 19. (2024-03-01)
8. Estimating the potential maximum power point based on the calculation of short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage. IET Power Electronics, ISSN 1755-4543, Vol. Vol 17/03, pp. 402-421. (2024-01-10)
9. An Improved Zebra Optimization Algorithm for Solving Transmission Expansion Planning Problem with Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 21853118,2185310X, Vol. Vol 17/01, pp. 10. (2024-01-01)
10. QUY HOẠCH MỞ RỘNG LƯỚI ĐIỆN SỬ DỤNG GIẢI THUẬT NGỰA BIỂN. Hội nghị khoa học trẻ lần thứ 5-năm 2023, ISBN 9786049201967, tập Lĩnh vực điện - điện tử, trang 448-457. (2023-11-25)
11. Optimal placement of battery energy storage system considering penetration of distributed generations. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708, Vol. Vol.13, No. 6, pp. 6068-6078. (2023-09-19)
12. Profit Maximization of Wind Power Plants in the Electricity Market Based on Linking Models Between Energy Sources. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, ISSN 2191-4281, Vol. Vol 48/08, pp. 17. (2023-08-22)
13. Determination of Profitable Wind Farm Generating Capacity Based on Weibull Distribution of Wind Speed in the Competitive Electricity Market. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISBN 2367-3389/978-3-031-19693-5, Vol. 567, pp. 389-400. (2023-01-01)
14. Optimal Operation of Electric Power System Incorporating Renewable Energy Source Based on Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886, Vol. Vol.14, No. 4,, pp. 14. (2022-12-30)
15. A Novel Metaheuristic Method for Multi-Goal Electric Distribution Network Reconfiguration. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118, Vol. Vol.15, No. 6,, pp. 8. (2022-12-15)
16. Modified sunflower optimization for network reconfiguration and distributed generation placement. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708, Vol. Vol 12, No 6, pp. 9. (2022-12-10)
17. Enhancing Total Transfer Capability via Optimal Location of Energy Storage Systems Using a Hybrid Improved Min-Cut Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISBN 978-3-031-22200-9, Vol. 602, pp. 512-524. (2022-12-02)
18. A Novel Metaheuristic Method for Multi-Goal Electric Distribution Network Reconfiguration. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118, Vol. Vol.15, No. 6, pp. 111-118. (2022-11-01)
19. Modified sunflower optimization for network reconfiguration and distributed generation placement. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708, Vol. Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 5765-5774. (2022-11-01)
20. An Improved Equilibrium Optimizer Algorithm for Solving Optimal Power Flow Problem with Penetration of Wind and Solar Energy. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, ISSN 2050-7038, Vol. 2022, pp. 21. (2022-06-01)
21. Optimal System Reconfiguration and Placement of Distributed Generations Using Search Group Algorithm. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886, Vol. Volume 14, Number 2, pp. 14. (2022-06-01)
22. Network Reconfiguration and Distributed Generation Placement for Multi-Goal Function Based on Improved Moth Swarm Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ISSN 1024-123X, Vol. 2022, pp. 16. (2022-04-01)
23. NHÀ MÁY ĐIỆN, TRẠM BIẾN ÁP VÀ BẢO VỆ RƠ-LE. Đại Học Quốc Gia TP.HCM, ISBN 978-604-73-8901-8. (2022-01-01)
24. Wild Geese Algorithm for The Combination Problem of Network Reconfiguration and Distributed Generation Placement. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886, Vol. 01, pp. 15. (2022-01-01)
25. An effective method to solve the problem of electric distribution network reconfiguration considering distributed generations for energy loss reduction. Neural Computing and Applications, ISSN 1433-3058 (ISI), Vol. 33, pp. 1625–1641. (2021-01-01)
26. Reconfiguration of Distribution Networks With Distributed Generations Using an Improved Neural Network Algorithm. IEEE Access, ISSN 2169-3536 (ISI), Vol. 09, pp. 165618-165647. (2021-01-01)
27. Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Using SunFlower Algorithm. 2021 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), ISBN 2325-0925,978-1-6654-4848-2 (SCOPUS), Vol. 26-28 Aug.2021, pp. 422-426. (2021-01-01)
28. Application of Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Finding the Best Solution for the Optimal Power Flow Problem. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118 (SCOPUS), Vol. 14/6, pp. 11. (2021-01-01)
29. Reconfigure the Distribution Network With Photovoltaic Connection to Minimize Energy Loss Based on Average Branch Power and an Advanced Branch Exchange Algorithm. IEEE Access/Society Section: IEEE Power & Energy Society Section, ISSN 2169-3536 (ISI), Vol. 2021, pp. 104572 - 104581. (2021-01-01)
30. A novel method based on coyote algorithm for simultaneous network reconfiguration and distribution generation placement. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ISSN 2090-4479 (ISI), Vol. 12/1, pp. 665-676. (2021-01-01)
31. Finding Radial Network Configuration of Distribution System Based on Modified Symbiotic Organisms Search. Complexity, ISSN 1099-0526 (ISI), Vol. 2021, pp. 23. (2021-01-01)
32. A newly effective method to maximize power loss reduction in distribution networks with highly penetrated distributed generations. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ISSN 2090-4479 (ISI), Vol. 12/2, pp. 1787-1808. (2021-01-01)
33. An Efficient Hybrid Method for Solving Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886 (SCOPUS), Vol. 12/4, pp. 22. (2020-01-01)
34. A Newly Hybrid Method Based on Cuckoo Search and Sunflower Optimization for Optimal Power Flow Problem. Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050 (ISI), Vol. 12, pp. 5283. (2020-01-01)
35. Xác định vị trí và công suất nguồn trữ năng trong hệ thống điện sử dụng giải thuật Min-Cut cải tiến. Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ – Kĩ thuật và Công nghệ, ISSN 2615-9872, tập 3, trang 339-351. (2020-01-01)
36. Application of Sunflower Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 10, pp. 5700-5707. (2020-01-01)
37. Application of a new constraint handling method for economic dispatch considering electric market. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2089-3191 (SCOPUS), Vol. 9, pp. 1542-1549. (2020-01-01)
38. Determining optimal location and size of capacitors in radial distribution networks using moth swarm algorithm. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708 (SCOPUS), Vol. 10, pp. 4514-4521. (2020-01-01)
39. ETAP ỨNG DỤNG TRONG TỐI ƯU HÓA HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN. Đại học quốc gia TP.HCM, ISBN 9786047376063. (2020-01-01)
40. Chattering-Free Single-Phase Robustness Sliding Mode Controller for Mismatched Uncertain Interconnected Systems with Unknown Time-Varying Delays. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 13, pp. 282. (2020-01-01)
41. Optimal Reactive Power Flow for Large-Scale Power Systems Using an Effective Metaheuristic Algorithm. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2090-0155 (SCOPUS), Vol. 2020, pp. 11. (2020-01-01)
42. Improved particle swarm optimization algorithms for economic load dispatch considering electric market. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708 (SCOPUS), Vol. 10, pp. 3918-3926. (2020-01-01)
43. Available Transfer Capability Determination for the Electricity Market using Cuckoo Search Algorithm. Engineering, Technology & Aplied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 10, pp. 5340-5345. (2020-01-01)
44. Network Reconfiguration for an Electric Distribution System with Distributed Generators based on Symbiotic Organisms Search. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 9, pp. 4925-4932. (2019-01-01)
45. Optimal Load Dispatch in Competitive Electricity Market by Using Different Models of Hopfield Lagrange Network. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 12, pp. 2932. (2019-01-01)
46. Dynamic Voltage Stability Enhancement of a Grid-Connected Wind Power System by ANFIS Controlled Static Var Compensator. 2019 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), ISBN 978-1-7281-0525-3 (ISI), Vol. 18972663, pp. 174-177. (2019-01-01)
47. An Effective Method for Maximizing Social Welfare in Electricity Market via Optimal TCSC Installation. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 9, pp. 4946-4955. (2019-01-01)
48. Xác định vị trí cần quy hoạch mở rộng hệ thống điện sử dụng giải thuật Min–Cut. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội, ISSN 1859-3585, tập 50, trang 15-20. (2019-01-01)
49. Novel Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Quasi-Oppositional Population Initialization Strategy for Solar Cell Parameters Identification. 2018 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), ISBN 978-1-5386-7346-1 (ISI), Vol. 18457629, pp. 911-916. (2018-01-01)
50. Optimal Location of TCSC for Social Welfare Maximization in Deregulated Electricity Market. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol. 13, pp. 4842-4850. (2018-01-01)
51. Two States for Optimal Position and Capacity of Distributed Generators Considering Network Reconfiguration for Power Loss Minimization Based on Runner Root Algorithm. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 12, pp. 1-16. (2018-01-01)
52. A Novel Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of Photovoltaic (PV) Models. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 11, pp. 1060. (2018-01-01)
53. A Hybrid Approach for Power System Security Enhancement via Optimal Installation of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Devices. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 10, pp. 1305. (2017-01-01)
54. Optimal location of FACTS devices for congestion management and loadability enhancement. Journal of Electrical Systems, ISSN 1112-5209 (SCOPUS), Vol. 13, pp. 579-594. (2017-01-01)
55. Optimal power flow with TCSC device using cuckoo optimization algorithm. Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN 0866-708X, Vol. 54, pp. 52-63. (2016-01-01)
56. Application of min cut algorithm for optimal location of FACTS devices considering system loadability and cost of installation. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ISSN 0142-0615 (ISI), Vol. 63, pp. 979-987. (2014-01-01)
57. A new method for non-unit protection of power transmission lines based on fault resistance and fault angle reduction. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ISSN 0142-0615 (ISI), Vol. 55, pp. 760-769. (2014-01-01)
58. Improving the Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow with Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators. Russian Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1068-3712 (SCOPUS), Vol. 85, pp. 777–784. (2014-01-01)
59. Optimal Location of Thyristor-controlled-series capacitor using Min Cut Algorithm. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ISSN 2502-4760 (SCOPUS), Vol. 12, pp. 3649-3661. (2014-01-01)
60. Enhancing Total Transfer Capability via Optimal Location of TCSC in Deregulated Electricity Market. Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences, ISBN 978-3-642-41968-3 (ISI), Vol. 282, pp. 47-56. (2013-01-01)
61. A new method for secured optimal power flow under normal and network contingencies via optimal location of TCSC. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ISSN 0142-0615 (ISI), Vol. 52, pp. 68-80. (2013-01-01)
62. Optimal Placement of TCSC Based On Min-Cut Algorithm For Congestion Management In Deregulated Electricity Market. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976-6553, Vol. 3, pp. 210-225. (2012-01-01)
F. Tổ chức khoa học tham gia
Nội dung đang cập nhật...
G. Thông tin khác
2003 | Đại học , Trường Đại Học Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật TP.HCM |
2005 | Thạc sĩ , Trường Đại Học Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật TP.HCM |
2014 | Tiến sĩ, Trường Đại Học Hồ Nam |
2016 | Trung cấp, Trường đào tạo, bồi dưỡng cán bộ Công thương Trung ương |
2024 | Cao cấp chính trị, Học viện chính trị khu vực II |
2022 | Kiến thức QP và An ninh đối tượng 3, Trường Quân sự Bộ tư lệnh TP.HCM |
2018 | Bồi dưỡng nghiệp vụ sư phạm, Trường Đại Học Sư Phạm Hà Nội 2 |
2016 | Trung cấp lý luận chính trị - Hành Chính, Trường đào tạo, bồi dưỡng cán bộ công thương trung ương |
2003 | Chứng chỉ sư phạm, Trường Đại Học Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật TP.HCM |
2003 | Chứng chỉ giáo dục đại học, Viện chiến lược và chương trình giáo dục |
2002 | Chứng chỉ ngoại ngữ, Sở giáo dục đào tạo TP.HCM |
2002 | Chứng chỉ tin hoc, Trường Đại Học Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật TP.HCM |
2003-2008 | Giảng viên, Khoa Công nghệ điện. Trường Đại Học Công Nghiệp TP.HCM |
2008-2010 | Trưởng Bộ Môn, Khoa Công nghệ điện. Trường Đại Học Công Nghiệp TP.HCM |
2010-2014 | Nghiên cứu sinh, Khoa kỹ thuật điện. Trường Đại Học Hồ Nam Trung Quốc |
2014-đến nay | Trưởng Bộ Môn, Khoa Công nghệ điện. Trường Đại Học Công Nghiệp TP.HCM |
1. Lắp đặt và vận hành tối ưu hệ thống pin lưu trữ năng lượng trên lưới điện phân phối để giảm chi phí điện năng. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2023-01/2024). Thành viên chính
2. Vận hành tối ưu hệ thống điện truyền tải với sự thâm nhập cao của nguồn năng lượng tái tạo. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2022-04/2023). Chủ nhiệm
3. Tối ưu cấu trúc vận hành lưới điện phân phối. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2020-03/2021). Chủ nhiệm
4. Hệ thống thông minh tính điểm tự động cho bia bắn. Đề tài cấp trường, (01/2018-12/2018). Tham gia
5. Tái cấu trúc lưới điện phân phối có xét đến nguồn điện phân tán. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2021-03/2022). Tham gia
E. Công trình tiêu biểu
1. Enhancing Load frequency control in power systems using Puma Optimizer – Proportional Integral Derivative Method. Iranian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, ISSN 1735-2827, Vol. 21/01, pp. 15. (2025-03-01)
2. A New Effective Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Solving AC Transmission Expansion Planning Problem. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118, Vol. 2024, pp. 17. (2024-10-31)
3. Quản lý nghẽn mạch sử dụng giải thuật tối ưu hóa quá trình tìm kiếm thức ăn của lươn điện. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội, ISSN 2615-9619, tập 60/07, trang 98-103. (2024-07-25)
4. Transmission expansion planning using zebra optimization algorithm. Green Energy and Technology/The International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, ISBN 978-981-97-1868-9, Vol. 2024, pp. 11. (2024-07-13)
5. A four-stage strategy for solving AC transmission expansion planning problem in large power system based on differential evolution algorithm and teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm. Electrical Engineering, ISSN 09487921,14320487, Vol. 106/2, pp. 21. (2024-07-02)
6. Congestion Management using the Circulatory System Based Optimization Algorithm. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. Vol 14/03, pp. 6. (2024-06-01)
7. Temperature Dependent Optimal Power Flow Using Combined Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution Method. GMSARN International Journal, ISSN 1905-9094, Vol. Vol 18/01, pp. 19. (2024-03-01)
8. Estimating the potential maximum power point based on the calculation of short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage. IET Power Electronics, ISSN 1755-4543, Vol. Vol 17/03, pp. 402-421. (2024-01-10)
9. An Improved Zebra Optimization Algorithm for Solving Transmission Expansion Planning Problem with Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 21853118,2185310X, Vol. Vol 17/01, pp. 10. (2024-01-01)
10. QUY HOẠCH MỞ RỘNG LƯỚI ĐIỆN SỬ DỤNG GIẢI THUẬT NGỰA BIỂN. Hội nghị khoa học trẻ lần thứ 5-năm 2023, ISBN 9786049201967, tập Lĩnh vực điện - điện tử, trang 448-457. (2023-11-25)
11. Optimal placement of battery energy storage system considering penetration of distributed generations. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708, Vol. Vol.13, No. 6, pp. 6068-6078. (2023-09-19)
12. Profit Maximization of Wind Power Plants in the Electricity Market Based on Linking Models Between Energy Sources. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, ISSN 2191-4281, Vol. Vol 48/08, pp. 17. (2023-08-22)
13. Determination of Profitable Wind Farm Generating Capacity Based on Weibull Distribution of Wind Speed in the Competitive Electricity Market. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISBN 2367-3389/978-3-031-19693-5, Vol. 567, pp. 389-400. (2023-01-01)
14. Optimal Operation of Electric Power System Incorporating Renewable Energy Source Based on Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886, Vol. Vol.14, No. 4,, pp. 14. (2022-12-30)
15. A Novel Metaheuristic Method for Multi-Goal Electric Distribution Network Reconfiguration. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118, Vol. Vol.15, No. 6,, pp. 8. (2022-12-15)
16. Modified sunflower optimization for network reconfiguration and distributed generation placement. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708, Vol. Vol 12, No 6, pp. 9. (2022-12-10)
17. Enhancing Total Transfer Capability via Optimal Location of Energy Storage Systems Using a Hybrid Improved Min-Cut Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISBN 978-3-031-22200-9, Vol. 602, pp. 512-524. (2022-12-02)
18. A Novel Metaheuristic Method for Multi-Goal Electric Distribution Network Reconfiguration. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118, Vol. Vol.15, No. 6, pp. 111-118. (2022-11-01)
19. Modified sunflower optimization for network reconfiguration and distributed generation placement. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708, Vol. Vol. 12, No. 6, pp. 5765-5774. (2022-11-01)
20. An Improved Equilibrium Optimizer Algorithm for Solving Optimal Power Flow Problem with Penetration of Wind and Solar Energy. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, ISSN 2050-7038, Vol. 2022, pp. 21. (2022-06-01)
21. Optimal System Reconfiguration and Placement of Distributed Generations Using Search Group Algorithm. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886, Vol. Volume 14, Number 2, pp. 14. (2022-06-01)
22. Network Reconfiguration and Distributed Generation Placement for Multi-Goal Function Based on Improved Moth Swarm Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ISSN 1024-123X, Vol. 2022, pp. 16. (2022-04-01)
23. NHÀ MÁY ĐIỆN, TRẠM BIẾN ÁP VÀ BẢO VỆ RƠ-LE. Đại Học Quốc Gia TP.HCM, ISBN 978-604-73-8901-8. (2022-01-01)
24. Wild Geese Algorithm for The Combination Problem of Network Reconfiguration and Distributed Generation Placement. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886, Vol. 01, pp. 15. (2022-01-01)
25. An effective method to solve the problem of electric distribution network reconfiguration considering distributed generations for energy loss reduction. Neural Computing and Applications, ISSN 1433-3058 (ISI), Vol. 33, pp. 1625–1641. (2021-01-01)
26. Reconfiguration of Distribution Networks With Distributed Generations Using an Improved Neural Network Algorithm. IEEE Access, ISSN 2169-3536 (ISI), Vol. 09, pp. 165618-165647. (2021-01-01)
27. Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Using SunFlower Algorithm. 2021 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), ISBN 2325-0925,978-1-6654-4848-2 (SCOPUS), Vol. 26-28 Aug.2021, pp. 422-426. (2021-01-01)
28. Application of Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Finding the Best Solution for the Optimal Power Flow Problem. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems, ISSN 2185-3118 (SCOPUS), Vol. 14/6, pp. 11. (2021-01-01)
29. Reconfigure the Distribution Network With Photovoltaic Connection to Minimize Energy Loss Based on Average Branch Power and an Advanced Branch Exchange Algorithm. IEEE Access/Society Section: IEEE Power & Energy Society Section, ISSN 2169-3536 (ISI), Vol. 2021, pp. 104572 - 104581. (2021-01-01)
30. A novel method based on coyote algorithm for simultaneous network reconfiguration and distribution generation placement. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ISSN 2090-4479 (ISI), Vol. 12/1, pp. 665-676. (2021-01-01)
31. Finding Radial Network Configuration of Distribution System Based on Modified Symbiotic Organisms Search. Complexity, ISSN 1099-0526 (ISI), Vol. 2021, pp. 23. (2021-01-01)
32. A newly effective method to maximize power loss reduction in distribution networks with highly penetrated distributed generations. Ain Shams Engineering Journal, ISSN 2090-4479 (ISI), Vol. 12/2, pp. 1787-1808. (2021-01-01)
33. An Efficient Hybrid Method for Solving Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem. International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2087-5886 (SCOPUS), Vol. 12/4, pp. 22. (2020-01-01)
34. A Newly Hybrid Method Based on Cuckoo Search and Sunflower Optimization for Optimal Power Flow Problem. Sustainability, ISSN 2071-1050 (ISI), Vol. 12, pp. 5283. (2020-01-01)
35. Xác định vị trí và công suất nguồn trữ năng trong hệ thống điện sử dụng giải thuật Min-Cut cải tiến. Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ – Kĩ thuật và Công nghệ, ISSN 2615-9872, tập 3, trang 339-351. (2020-01-01)
36. Application of Sunflower Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 10, pp. 5700-5707. (2020-01-01)
37. Application of a new constraint handling method for economic dispatch considering electric market. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ISSN 2089-3191 (SCOPUS), Vol. 9, pp. 1542-1549. (2020-01-01)
38. Determining optimal location and size of capacitors in radial distribution networks using moth swarm algorithm. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708 (SCOPUS), Vol. 10, pp. 4514-4521. (2020-01-01)
39. ETAP ỨNG DỤNG TRONG TỐI ƯU HÓA HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN. Đại học quốc gia TP.HCM, ISBN 9786047376063. (2020-01-01)
40. Chattering-Free Single-Phase Robustness Sliding Mode Controller for Mismatched Uncertain Interconnected Systems with Unknown Time-Varying Delays. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 13, pp. 282. (2020-01-01)
41. Optimal Reactive Power Flow for Large-Scale Power Systems Using an Effective Metaheuristic Algorithm. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2090-0155 (SCOPUS), Vol. 2020, pp. 11. (2020-01-01)
42. Improved particle swarm optimization algorithms for economic load dispatch considering electric market. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISSN 2088-8708 (SCOPUS), Vol. 10, pp. 3918-3926. (2020-01-01)
43. Available Transfer Capability Determination for the Electricity Market using Cuckoo Search Algorithm. Engineering, Technology & Aplied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 10, pp. 5340-5345. (2020-01-01)
44. Network Reconfiguration for an Electric Distribution System with Distributed Generators based on Symbiotic Organisms Search. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 9, pp. 4925-4932. (2019-01-01)
45. Optimal Load Dispatch in Competitive Electricity Market by Using Different Models of Hopfield Lagrange Network. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 12, pp. 2932. (2019-01-01)
46. Dynamic Voltage Stability Enhancement of a Grid-Connected Wind Power System by ANFIS Controlled Static Var Compensator. 2019 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), ISBN 978-1-7281-0525-3 (ISI), Vol. 18972663, pp. 174-177. (2019-01-01)
47. An Effective Method for Maximizing Social Welfare in Electricity Market via Optimal TCSC Installation. Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research, ISSN 1792-8036, Vol. 9, pp. 4946-4955. (2019-01-01)
48. Xác định vị trí cần quy hoạch mở rộng hệ thống điện sử dụng giải thuật Min–Cut. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ trường Đại học Công nghiệp Hà Nội, ISSN 1859-3585, tập 50, trang 15-20. (2019-01-01)
49. Novel Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Quasi-Oppositional Population Initialization Strategy for Solar Cell Parameters Identification. 2018 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), ISBN 978-1-5386-7346-1 (ISI), Vol. 18457629, pp. 911-916. (2018-01-01)
50. Optimal Location of TCSC for Social Welfare Maximization in Deregulated Electricity Market. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol. 13, pp. 4842-4850. (2018-01-01)
51. Two States for Optimal Position and Capacity of Distributed Generators Considering Network Reconfiguration for Power Loss Minimization Based on Runner Root Algorithm. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 12, pp. 1-16. (2018-01-01)
52. A Novel Improved Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Parameter Estimation of Photovoltaic (PV) Models. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 11, pp. 1060. (2018-01-01)
53. A Hybrid Approach for Power System Security Enhancement via Optimal Installation of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Devices. Energies, ISSN 1996-1073 (ISI), Vol. 10, pp. 1305. (2017-01-01)
54. Optimal location of FACTS devices for congestion management and loadability enhancement. Journal of Electrical Systems, ISSN 1112-5209 (SCOPUS), Vol. 13, pp. 579-594. (2017-01-01)
55. Optimal power flow with TCSC device using cuckoo optimization algorithm. Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN 0866-708X, Vol. 54, pp. 52-63. (2016-01-01)
56. Application of min cut algorithm for optimal location of FACTS devices considering system loadability and cost of installation. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ISSN 0142-0615 (ISI), Vol. 63, pp. 979-987. (2014-01-01)
57. A new method for non-unit protection of power transmission lines based on fault resistance and fault angle reduction. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ISSN 0142-0615 (ISI), Vol. 55, pp. 760-769. (2014-01-01)
58. Improving the Transient Stability Constrained Optimal Power Flow with Thyristor Controlled Series Compensators. Russian Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1068-3712 (SCOPUS), Vol. 85, pp. 777–784. (2014-01-01)
59. Optimal Location of Thyristor-controlled-series capacitor using Min Cut Algorithm. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ISSN 2502-4760 (SCOPUS), Vol. 12, pp. 3649-3661. (2014-01-01)
60. Enhancing Total Transfer Capability via Optimal Location of TCSC in Deregulated Electricity Market. Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences, ISBN 978-3-642-41968-3 (ISI), Vol. 282, pp. 47-56. (2013-01-01)
61. A new method for secured optimal power flow under normal and network contingencies via optimal location of TCSC. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, ISSN 0142-0615 (ISI), Vol. 52, pp. 68-80. (2013-01-01)
62. Optimal Placement of TCSC Based On Min-Cut Algorithm For Congestion Management In Deregulated Electricity Market. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET), ISSN 0976-6553, Vol. 3, pp. 210-225. (2012-01-01)
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